October 16, 2023

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All around the world, the Lord is transforming the lives of people from different nations, of different tribes and tongues, in wonderful ways through the healing ministry of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome DSC DSC DD.

During each Healing Streams Live Healing Service with Pastor Chris, a multitude of people have been gloriously impacted in many ways: the sick have received healing, the oppressed have been set free, and the desperate and the hopeless have had their hopes restored.

Thus, it’s important to spread the news of the October Live Healing Services abroad. In preparation for the October 2023 Live Healing Services which takes place from Friday, 27 October to Sunday, 29 October 2023, many have noised its news far and wide.

Healing Outreaches are ongoing in every continent as men and women sponsor copies of the Healing to the Nations Magazine and distribute same on the streets, in hospitals, at schools, in vehicles, and at various stations.

The Healing to the Nations Magazine is a tool that stirs up the faith of its recipient, fueling the hunger for a miracle.

It’s a 7-in-1 package:

Message from Pastor Chris

Featured testimonies of healing miracles

Praise reports from Healing School Programs

Prayer of Salvation

Special testimony videos

Faith’s Proclamations of Healing and Health

Healthy Living Tips

As you prepare for this epochal event, join the bandwagon in spreading the news of the October Healing Streams Live Healing Services to every city. Avail those you come in contact with the opportunity to have a glorious life; free of ailments and diseases.

Healing and divine health have been introduced to millions, as they heard and participated in the Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris.

The Man of God Pastor Chris takes time to share teachings from the Bible and renders prayer for divine healing and as a result, infirmity-causing demons check out of their hosts.

These things were decreed by the Lord Jesus Christ while he walked the earth. “And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” – Mark 16:17-18

Even as the second coming of Christ draws closer, it’s the responsibility of Christians all over the world to take this Gospel to the ends of the earth. The God-given mandate ‘take healing to the nations’, makes this responsibility a reality!

Angela Forshaw is one of many participants of the Live Healing Services who received both salvation and healing. For 13 years, Angela suffered from damage in her right ear. This was a terrible experience as she could barely hear and sleep each day. Life became very unpleasant for her and her family.


However, the story changed when her son invited her to participate in the Live Healing Service with Pastor Chris. Angela not only received total wholeness, she also received a new life in Christ; she got born again!

With your involvement, this can be someone else’s testimony. Host a Healing Outreach today, distribute the Healing to the Nations Magazine, and register people for the October Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris. Get ready for a rain of testimonies!  To register for the healing streams kindly visit:

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