The more you hear or study the Word, the more faith comes to you; faith to rule your world. With that faith, you have dominion over circumstances and victory over the world and its systems. However, faith not expressed won’t prevail. You express your faith in words and actions, for the Bible says faith speaks! Rule your world with...
Watch >>This doesn’t mean you won’t face challenges, but it does mean you’ll always emerge victorious, regardless of the obstacles. No matter what happens, where you find yourself, or who opposes you, you are more than a conqueror. You can never be disadvantaged. God has equipped you with everything needed to live victoriously...
Watch >>This is great news! What the above scripture means is that, if you're born again, you are not hoping to have eternal life; you already have it. You've already passed from death to life! You're no longer in the arena of death, where sickness, disease, poverty, disadvantage and failure hold sway; you've been translated int...
Watch >>Too many people are suffering and struggling in life when they ought to be living in the transcendental blessings that have been made available to us in Christ Jesus. The reason they’re suffering is because of ignorance. Get to know more of God; study the Word! Become acquainted with Him through fellowship and meditation on the Sc...
Watch >>Never forget this: Jesus is our advocate with the Father, while the Holy Spirit is the Father's advocate with us. So, there's one advocate in heaven, and there's another one here on earth in us and with us. How can we lose? How could we ever be disadvantaged? It's impossible. Hallelujah!...
Watch >>He is the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, He is your God, He will save you from death....
Watch >>An inspiring session with our dear Man of God Pastor Chris as he enlightens us on why we pray....
Watch >>Life is full of mysteries, unanswered questions, events and activities beyond human understanding. As Christians, our way of dealing with these mysteries is by speaking mysteries. Rather than wonder about negative circumstances, we cancel them by speaking spiritual mysteries. ...
Watch >>The word of God is a mirror. It shows you who you really are, what really belongs to you.Keep saying it! ...
Watch >>Jesus is in heaven, but He didn’t leave us without support. He didn’t leave us desolate, bereaved, forlorn or stranded. He sent us the Holy Spirit, not only to be with us, but to live in us. That same Spirit has become your courage, your help, your sufficiency, and your all. Trust Him with your life. Fellowship with Him, and He’ll make you succes...
Watch >>Jesus is in heaven, but He didn’t leave us without support. He didn’t leave us desolate, bereaved, forlorn or stranded. He sent us the Holy Spirit, not only to be with us, but to live in us. That same Spirit has become your courage, your help, your sufficiency, and your all. Trust Him with your life. Fellowship with Him, and He’ll make you succes...
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