September 25, 2023

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As Christians, we are the fruit of Christ's suffering. The Bible talks about the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should be revealed (1 Peter 1:11). We're that glory, we're His trophies. We are the glory Jesus saw that made Him endure the cross and despise the shame (Hebrews 12:2). You are the glory of God. No wonder the Bible declares that glorious things are spoken of you (Psalm 87:3). Not only have you been brought into the glory of God, but you are also the glory of God.  

In Ephesians 1:17, the Bible calls our heavenly Father the Father of glory. Now, if He is the Father of glory and He is your Father, then who are you? You may say, “That means I'm the son of glory.” No, a thousand times no! If your name is John, and someone called your father ‘the father of John’, it's because your name is John. Consequently, if God is the Father of glory, then you are glory, not the son of glory. This is wonderful; just the thought of it!  

This is not just to excite you, but to let you know who you are as a child of God. You were born to be the glory of God. You've been called into the life of glory! The glory is yours. See yourself in the glory, see yourself before the glory, see yourself walking in the glory, see yourself carrying the glory and see yourself as the glory!  

The Bible says, “But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.” (2 Corinthians 3:18). The Spirit of God is letting you know that the Word of God is your mirror. A mirror reflects whatever is set before it. If you were standing in front of a mirror, you'd see your reflection. As you study the Word, you're looking at yourself in the mirror of God, and the image of you that you see is the glory of God, meaning that your name is 'the glory of God'.  

God is saying today, “You are My glory. That reflection, that glory that you see when you look into the mirror – the Word – is who you really are!” Your name is “the glory of God!” Go ahead right now and call yourself by name! Say, “I am the glory of God, and every step I take today is the step of glory. The glory of God will always be manifested in my life.” Think and talk like this every day and your life will be that of ever-increasing glory.  

What a confession to get to know and declare, that you're the glory of God! It'll change the springs in your steps. You're the glory of God; that's why you cannot be defeated! That's why you cannot be poor. That's why you cannot be destroyed! The more you look at the glory in the mirror of God, the more you're transfigured; you become more and more like the image of the glory that you see in the mirror.

Just in case this is very new to you and you’re yet to be born again, start your new life in Christ today here:  You’ll also receive materials to help build your new relationship with God.

Praise God!

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